Product Download with HTTP or FTP

Our products are delivered by Internet download. These downloads are served from our dedicated Cloud servers and may be accessed through our download domain using one or more of the following names depending on the connection type:, or

All downloaded products are delivered as a single ZIP file format compressed archive. This is perhaps the most widely used compression format on Microsoft Windows and is commonly used on Macintosh and Unix systems as well. Most contemporary Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and similar environments include an unzip utility that can be used to decompress the download. Additionally popular tools such as WinZip, StuffIt Expander, PkZip, 7-Zip, and FY-Zip can be found on many platforms.

Protect your investment and backup your download. We do not offer an Extended Download Protection type plan.

Login to Download

When you purchase our products and services we provide you an Order Number and Password which you can use to log in to our web site through our Customer Login web page. Once you have gone to that web page and successfully logged in you will see your list of products available for download.

From your available downloads, if you "hover" your mouse over the download link you will see a URL similar to this in your web browser's status bar.

When you select a product for download by clicking on the product link a temporary URL similar to the one below will be generated, your request will be redirected to our download server and your download should begin.

The exact verbage and user prompts vary from browser to browser but your browser should ask you if you wish to Open or Save the file, select Save or Save As to download the product to your computer.

Direct Download Link

If you have purchased a "subscription" type product you may find it beneficial to automate product downloads. The direct download server can be accessed using the following non-secured URL:

or the secured URL:

The server uses HTTP Basic Authentication for this URL and will prompt for User Name (Order Number) and Password upon connection. You must append the name of the file you wish to download to the URL. This name can be retrieved by logging in to our website and viewing your list of products available for download. Thus a full direct access URL would be similar to this:

Your automated process should be efficient. Ideally you will query our server and download the file from our server to your computer only if our server's file is "newer" than your local copy. This type processing is easily implemented using popular tools such as wget, curl, or similar application or script.

Automated HTTP downloads can be accomplished using the wget utility. The -S parameter tells wget to preserve the server's timestamp, -N tells wget to download the file only if the server's copy is newer than the local copy. Using these options the server could be efficiently polled on a regular basis to only download on a file update.

wget -S -N --no-check-certificate

And the same operation using the curl utility. The -O tells curl to store the file using the name specified in the URL, -R tells curl to attempt to identify the remote file's time, -z parameter tells curl to preserve the server's timestamp and download the file from our server if the server's file is newer than your local copy, -k allows curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and transfers. All SSL connections are attempted to be made secure by using the CA certificate bundle installed by default. This makes all connections considered "insecure" fail unless -k is used.

curl -z -k -R -O

FTP Download

Your purchase can also be downloaded using the FTP protocol. You must log in to this server using the same order number and password you use to log in to our website. Once logged in you can issue an FTP dir command to list those files available for download, this list is the same as those files listed under your available downloads when logging in through the website.

Like HTTP downloads, FTP can be configured to poll our server and download your file only if an update has been posted to the server.

Most contemporary platforms provide an FTP client. Automated FTP downloads are easily accomplished by creating a simple text file of the FTP commands to execute and then submitting this command file to the FTP client. For example, we create our file "ftpscript.txt" which contains our login information and the file we wish to download.


We then pass this filename to the FTP client using the -s command line parameter.

C:\>ftp -s:ftpscript.txt 

Automated FTP downloads can also be accomplished using the wget utility. The -S parameter tells wget to preserve the server's timestamp, -N tells wget to download the file only if the server's copy is newer than the local copy. Using these options the server could be efficiently polled on a regular basis to only download on a file update.

wget -S -N

The Open Source/Free Software utility curl is another tool that can be used to automate FTP downloads. The following command tells curl to preserve the server's timestamp and download the file from our server if the server's file is newer than our local copy.

curl -z -R -O